Baton Rouge Rugby Club History

In the summer of 1977, a group of former LSU rugby players, and couple of imports from elsewhere in the US and beyond, banded together to form the Baton Rouge Rugby Football Club. Rugby had not been introduced in the South until 1962, and whatever rugby that was played was usually contested between university sides, some with more than a few surprisingly mature looking "students". However, by the 1970's rugby clubs were springing up in Southern cities away from the university campuses and there was competition at the men's club level from teams in Texas, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Florida and closer to home, New Orleans and Shreveport. The Baton Rouge club quickly rose to prominence and by 1979, was a regional power and featured at least one player who played for the US National Team, the Eagles.
Over the past thirty years, hundreds of players have come and gone, but the Baton Rouge Rugby Club is as strong now as it has been at any time in recent memory. Many former players come out to the matches and social functions and still actively support the Club. As we enter our fourth decade, we do so with a great sense of pride, confidence and optimism.

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